Pumpkin Cake & Cream Cheese Frosting
This recipe was provided as part of the Family Recipes Collection. I asked my family for their recipes and boy did they deliver.
This recipe was provided as part of the Family Recipes Collection. I asked my family for their recipes and boy did they deliver.
This cream cheese frosting is part of the pumpkin cake recipe which can be found here.
For a nut free version of this recipe you can omit the nuts. for the shortening this recipe uses Crisco vegetable shortening. For other recipes I have used Crisco butter flavor shortening but I have not tried it for this recipe.
This amazing chocolate frosting recipe is super simple to make and can be the best whipped topping used on just about any dessert! This homemade confection is creamy light and deffinitly not high in calories!
These amazing home made white cupcakes go perfectly with our chocolate frosting! If you love homemade cake these will be sure to be a hit.
This quick and easy chocolate mug is perfect for when you want a gooey chocolate cake but don’t have the time. This delectible treat is just the right size and could not be easier to make.