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Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treats
Can’t get eaiser than 3 ingredents to make the same rice krispie treats as home! These are also great for parties like Halloween or Christmas you can make them your own by adding vanilla or chocolate drizzle on top or sprikels to make it more festive for each season or holiday.
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The leftover pumpking spice doughnuts are the perfect fall desert baked dish! I would serve this for thanksgiving, holoween or any holiday! It is a super fun easy way to get rid of leftover doughnuts.
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Peach Cobbler
This is a old fashion recipe that’s easy to make. If you want some comfort soul food during summer this peach cobbler is a must have with some vanilla ice cream.
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This recipe was provided as part of the Family Recipes Collection. I asked my family for their recipes and boy did they deliver. Check out the other recipes in this collection. I am excited to hear what you think!
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Lemon Cream Cheese Frosting
From the Kitchen of: Cindy RossThis cream cheese frosting is part of the pumpkin cake recipe which can be found here.
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Oreo Chocolate Cake
What can go wrong with chocolate cake, more chocolate, and Oreos. Nothing! Enjoy and eat!Made by Diana Baer